This is the second installment from my blog thread describing what to call groups of animals … See how many you can guess. Answers listed at the bottom of the page.
- “Double double, toil and trouble, fire burn and caldron bubble,” she cackled. Then the witch threw another cauldron into the caldron. [1]
- The prickle prickled no one that day.
- And the clutch clutched at the edges of the baskets.
- Exaltation exalted the evening with the complex songs of the family Alaudidae.
- A smack smacks into goo on the rocks.
- The romping romp are some of my favorite critters.

- Cauldron of bats [2]
- Prickle of porcupines
- Clutch of birds
- Exaltation of larks
- Smack of jellyfish
- Romp of otters [3]

NOTES: [1] Shakespeare Macbeth, Act IV, Scene 1. [2] Currently 77 bats are listed as Endangered and Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Bat Conservation International [3] Sea otters are Endangered IUCN © Jadi Campbell 2017. All photos © Uwe Hartmann. To see more of Uwe’s animal photos and pics from our trips go to Fun animal names from, Mother Nature Network and
I was just discussing this with my English students. Thanks for researching the really obscure ones.
Fantastic! Be sure to check out the websites I cite at the bottom of the post under NOTES: You’ll find the lists I used to create my blog thread.