“Tame birds sing of freedom. Wild birds fly.” — John Lennon
When you think of watching wild life in Africa, everyone talks about the Big Five. And yes, we spotted elephants, water buffalo, lions, and giraffes, everything except the leopard (which for all kinds of funny reasons makes me really happy. It means we have to go back!)
The birds in southern Africa are amazing too. We saw an array of bird life so varied and exotic that halfway through our trip we bought a book on Birds of Southern Africa. It would have been too annoying to get home again and have no way of identifying them without having to spend days on the Internet trying to find them.

At our last lodge in Namibia, Uwe and I both spent hours sitting on the little balcony to our room. We were watching the weaver birds making new nests and feeding their broods only a few meters away from where we sat.
Along the Caprivi Strip hundreds of bee eaters live on the river banks.

The bee eaters colonies will wash away when the rains come and the Kavango River rises.
In Chobe National Park in Botswana, we saw herons, eagles, storks, and shore birds beyond counting. We did an early morning boat cruise and literally had the river delta and the rich wildlife to ourselves.

We saw marabou storks who happily scavenge carcasses.
We smelled the dead buffalo before we spotted it. Then, like a comedy routine, the stork’s head popped up from where he was feeding on the other side of the water buffalo carcass.

More birds to follow. In my next post I’ll give you Uwe’s photographs of birds interacting with other animals.
NOTES: ©2024 Jadi Campbell. Photos ©2023 Uwe Hartmann. Uwe’s photos of our trips and his photography may be viewed at viewpics.de.

My books are Broken In: A Novel in Stories, Tsunami Cowboys, Grounded and The Trail Back Out.
Click here for my author page to learn more about me and purchase my books.
All lovely and interesting! Thanks for the info, such as why the African Skimmer has a longer lower bill.
My pleasure, we really enjoyed learning all the information about these birds as well
So beautiful and different!
You’re right, Jadi, the extraordinary variety of birds are worth the trip on their own. SOoooo many, every type imaginable and several that aren’t imaginable, and every colour of the rainbow. Simply magnificent.
At the start we were focused on the Big Five and quickly realized that the birds are fantastic