I was longlisted! My short story The Trail Back Out was named a quarterfinalist for the 2021 ScreenCraft Cinematic Short Story Award.
If you click on the link, 2021 ScreenCraft Cinematic Short Story Awards, you’ll have the same experience I did….. scrolling down and down and down to the T’s, wondering if the story made it or not.
An interesting experience. The next time I submit a piece, remind me to begin the title with the letter “A” !
Tomorrow I’ll post a bit of The Trail Back Out. I promise I won’t make you scroll for it.
NOTES: © Jadi Campbell 2021. The entire collection The Trail Back Out was named an American Book Fest 2020 Best Book Award Finalist in the category Fiction Anthologies.
Click here for my author page to learn more and buy my books.
Congratulations Jadi!
Thanks Alison! It feels pretty sweet!
Well done, Jadi. Congratulations.
Thanks Gary! This story means a lot to me.
And thank you for the great interview – All my readers should head over to https://willowcroft.blog/ for a super blog supporting writers.
Great news, Jadi, and well deserved. Bravo!
Hard to believe that little over a year ago I was sitting in your beautiful home and reading these unfinished stories aloud for your reactions. How I’d love to be there again
I need to tell you I’m not done reading the book yet. But almost. I pick it up at intervals and read another piece. I’ve loved every one.
That’s wonderful to hear, and the great thing about short stories is that you can read the book in chunks or as single pieces. I tried to arrange the stories so that there is a progression to the tales. You’ll have to let me know what you think when you’re finished. Please, please consider writing a book review. (But really the main thing is, enjoy the book!) I am SO happy you love them all so far!
that’s wonderful news –
Thanks Beth. Writers need this kind of approval to make up for all those weeks and months spent in self-imposed isolation!
That’s fantastic. Congratulations.
It does feel fantastic, and kind of not-quite-real….
Awesome, Jadi! Screenplay next?
Anything is possible! I had a couple of one page plays accepted for a festival here two years ago. They were surprisingly fun to write! But screenwriting means collaborating and continually changing a story, and I’m still in love with the solo act of creating characters and plots.