Tonight at Merlin Theater in Stuttgart, Germany!

Monday, December 5 at 20:00 hrs in MERLIN
Among the more obscure facts about Bob Dylan’s highly guarded private life is the “fact” that he has a cousin named Robert Stuff. This fellow is slightly older than Dylan and has been striving for musical success from an early age; even long before his famous cousin undertook the legendary trek from Minnesota to Greenwich Village.
Robert Stuff had serious aspirations to become a successful musician but could never quite decide on which instrument to focus on; the Ocarina or the Kalimba… In general, his choices in life were not always the best. While his songwriting talent is also not nearly up to par with that of Bob Dylan, his obtuse poetry and attempts at composing a popular hit song always inspired and motivated his cousin Bob to greatness. Dylan feels responsible for his hapless cousin Robert.
Ol’ Bob Stuff is a lovable Chaplinesque character who always manages to be in the wrong place at the wrong time but he never gives up. Success is just around the corner. His famous relative does everything in his power to provide Ol’ Bob with gigs and that long awaited break into Show Biz …but
Ol’ B.S. continuously bumbles it…
Performing compositions by Bob Dylan & Ol’ Bob Stuff – the current lineup of THE TOLLING THUNDER REVUE consists of –
The BOBETTES – Elena Gallego Jiménez, Bukola K. Tijani, Sylvia Owens (Vocals),
Erica Applezweig (Guitar & Vocals),
Deanya Schempp (Washboard & Percussion),
Martin Schempp (Banjo),
Werner Hummel (Cajun Accordion, Mandolin, Harp),
Gerhard Oberschmidt (Banjo),
Charles C. Urban (Guitar & Vocals),
Derrick Jenkins (Vocals & Whistling)
Bardia Khajenoori (Vocals & Storyteller)
PERFORMANCE – Monday, December 5 at 20:00 hrs in MERLIN
Presented by NEAT in cooperation with DAZ – Deutsch Amerikanisches Zentrum, Kulturverein Merlin e.V.
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