In Germany we’ve gone overnight from gorgeous summer weather to wet cold autumn. It’s a sudden switch of the seasons….
I already miss my sandals.
The consolation is the great autumn harvests and the fall colors if you’re lucky enough to live somewhere that gets them. It’s so chilly and dark here this week that I found myself digging around old photos, looking for some of those fall colors and produce bounty.
Here’s what I found.

Time to buy some pumpkins and make some squash soup. Or a pumpkin souffle. Or pumpkin bread. Or gnocchi with browned sage butter. Or pumpkin chili. Or a curry.
You get the idea. Happy Autumn, Everyone.
NOTES: ©2024 Jadi Campbell. Photos ©Uwe Hartmann. Uwe’s photos of our trips and his photography may be viewed at
My books are Broken In: A Novel in Stories, Tsunami Cowboys, Grounded and The Trail Back Out.
Click here for my author page to learn more about me and purchase my books.
Splendide immagini in questo articolo.
Un saluto
Mille grazie!
Great fall photos! Two weeks ago we left lovely fall colors in Alaska, then again in the mountains of Colorado (visiting our daughter) and now we’re in Oaxaca for the next 8 months…there are no fall colors but there are friendly people, wonderful food, and all the plants are green and healthy from a good rainy season!!! I hope you can take a trip to a warm place this winter and escape the dingy cold!
Marilyn, I will be in Oaxaca at the end of January – I’d love to meet up
That would be great! Send me an e-mail when you are here and we’ll make a plan to meet.
Or pumpkin anything!