Created September 2012. Most recently updated December 2024.
This space was for legal/who-does-what stuff, but then the awesome About pages of other bloggers inspired me. I’ve added more information for those of you curious enough to click here.
So, about Jadi Campbell: I live in the place between cultures.
I grew up in little New England/upstate NY villages, spent summers in a cabin in the woods, and attended a state university on the West coast. I decided at the age of 6 to be a writer, and earned a B.A. in English Literature. I worked in corporate America until I changed tracks and became a Licensed Massage Therapist. I’ve lived in Europe since 1992 and am proof that anyone can learn a foreign language as an adult. I published my first book Broken In: A Novel in Stories in 2012. My second novel Tsunami Cowboys followed in December 2014. Grounded appeared in May 2016. In August 2020 I published my collection of short stories, The Trail Back Out. My most recent novel The Taste of Your Name came in December 2024. I write often for Stuttgart’s New English American Theater (NEAT).
During the writing of the first three books I served as President of The Writers in Stuttgart. It was a fascinating job, akin to herding cats….
The following are not contradictory statements. I am American to my bones. My sensibilities are European. My husband and I travel as much as we possibly can. I want to be a citizen of the world, which brings us back to my opening statement: I live in the place between cultures.
It may not always be easy, but it’s always interesting. It stretches my concepts of what life contains. And it gives me lots to blog about, as you’ll see on the What’s Here page.
Pull up a seat and join me.
All Written Contents Copyright ©2024 Jadi Campbell. https:///author/jadicampbell.
available as books and eBooks purchased online at Amazon and elsewhere, in countries around the world. The following link gets you there:Photos Copyright © 2012 Uwe Hartmann. Uwe’s photography may be viewed at
Greetings & Gratitude from another citizen of the world!
And greetings back to you, Frank! We need more citizens of the world!
Beautiful and inviting blog Jadi. I thank you for leading me here. I look forward to reading some old and all new. Thanks again
Thanks Narayan! I’ve been blogging for a decade now and take a lot of care in what I present. Welcome!!
Lovely blog and photographs, and thanks for visiting mine.
Come back soon, Karen
Great blog! I enjoy reading stories from people who have lived in more than one country. 😀 I write over on The Rocky Safari
Thanks! I’m heading over to visit you
How pleased am I that you thought to “Like” my blog post because he has given me the chance to discover a very interesting and cultured person 🙂
I am flatttered beyond my words and glad to have you as a reader!!!
Hi Jadi!! Thank you for visiting my site.
My pleasure
Hi, Jadi! Thanks for dropping by my blog. It made me discover yours, and I’m looking forward to exploring it. Pleased to meet you, Marina
The pleasure is mine!
Thanks for stopping by and liking my page – Snacking – the good, the bad and the ugly. I am enjoying my visit to yours. You certainly get around.
Stay awhile and look through my blog – I post on culture and events as well as the world. Welcome!
Thank you for visiting my blog! I appreciate it very much. 🙂
Wow, first of all thank you! Nice to meet you. Great blog!
I’m so glad to have you reading it! 🙂
Thanks for the like on my “About” page. 🙂
Anyone who writes about their dog laying eggs (and it’s not even Easter) deserves a ‘like’ for their About page!
Ha. She helps me with a theory I’m working on: Ignorance is like dog poop; where ever you find it, there’s always more. 🙂
Hello Jadi – read your article on Holistic Wayfarer and followed you here. My life has been the reverse of yours: I grew up near Baden-Baden, then moved to the US and have lived here for much longer than I care to admit. So long, that I am losing my German language. In fact, just my last blogpost was bilingual, my attempt to restore my mother tongue. It’s interesting to live in the middle of cultures, isn’t it?!
Thanks for the comment and welcome to what I call the place between cultures. A Canadian friend who was an avid world traveler and now, like you, has lived in America for a long time would say that you’ve become a citizen of the world. Baden-Baden is beautiful. I visited several times to research European spa therapies and traditions. I returned for the city’s beauty and cultural importance. I’m off now to explore your blog. Wilkommen, und alles gute wünsche ich Dir!
I am truly a citizen of the world…traveled in 30+ countries, on 5 continents. I love seeing the world and the differences and commonalities we have across cultures. It helps to speak a few languages other than the one we grew up with…
Thanks for coming to my blog and liking one of my posts. I appreciate it! 🙂
– Daniel
I liked your blog!
Thanks for stopping by our blog and liking our jackal and first-blog-birthday posts!
I’m coming up on my third (!), so I appreciate and congratulate you on your birthday. Cheers, Jadi
Not a traveller myself, I travel vicariously through blogs such as yours. I’ll be visiting often. 🙂
Hello, and welcome! This blog uses travel as a jumping off point to muse about the world. I often go on tangents about culture, art, family, etc., and hope you’ll find plenty here to entertain you and make you thoughtful. I’ll look forward to your feedback. —Jadi
Delighted to have found your blog. Thanks so much for calling in to both of mine and liking several pages. Most appreciated. Now for me to explore yours.
Glad to have you here. Enjoy your visit and please come back often!
Hi Jadi your posts and your thoughts are stimulating. Perhaps it’s the ‘living between cultures’ that frees the mind 🙂 I too claim to be a person with a global mindset.
Looking forward to visit more often. Thanks and regards.
Hi Dilip, I think living between cultures frees the mind, once you get used to it. And it certainly made me curious about all the other cultures out there! Thanks for commenting and I look forward to reading your blog on a regular basis.
Thank you to like my blog. Hope you enjoy it 🙂
I know, you haven’t heard from me in a while. A long while. I had an opportunity to teach at my local community college after taking my dad to the Himalaya and I still need to get back to blogging… which I plan this weekend!
But, here comes my request: I got tagged in a work-in-progress blog tour. The idea is to share the first few sentences of the first 3 chapters of the book (or story) you are working on.
Are you interested in doing it? You can easily wait a couple weeks before you need to produce a post. I just need to know if you want to participate so I can tag you / your blog on my Monday post.
Here is the link to the post I was tagged in: You can use Luanne’s format or mine for this project. I plan on writing a lot less than Luanne did.
Please let me know if you’re in by Sunday.
Hi Jadi, I think your site’s got beautiful design and such interesting pieces, so I’m following! 🙂
I really enjoy your posts and look forward to your next.
Feel free to check out my writing about publishing:
Hi Sherry, you have a terrific site and I’m now following it. Let me know when you become a publisher; I’ll surely have a manuscript for you. Cheers, Jadi
Oh I’m blushing! Thank you for your kind words, Jadi, I would keep working hard on the site and if there’s anything I can do to help you, just let me know 🙂
It’s interesting that you write in English although you probably speak German perfectly. Are your readers mostly english speaking? One reason I blog (mostly) in German is that I never feel as confident writing in a foreign language than in my native language. Liebe Grüße von einer deutschen Bloggerin 🙂 Polly
Hi Polly! Mein Deutsch ist nicht schlecht, ich schreibe aber viel lieber auf Englisch. Like you, I’m not as confident writing in a foreign language. And my written German skills are weak – I love reading the language but am far too intimidated to consider doing creative writing in it. Vielen Dank für deinen Besuch!
Hi Jadi, nice to meet you. I’m impressed with anyone who can learn a second language as an adult!
Thank you for following our blog. I hope you enjoy the stories of our journey, both inner and outer.
Cheers, and happy travels
What an awesome about. Based upon your about you are a fascinating interesting lady and your husband must an interesting gentleman too.
Thanks!! It was inspired by bloggers I admire – their pages are so intriguing and fun to read. I actually went back in and completely rewrote my ‘About’ page.
You wrote it very well indeed!
Hi Jadi,
I am trying to connect with you and the DAZ (Deutsch Amerikanische Zentrum) English Writer’s Group. Kenneth gave me your name. I would like to join your group if you are open to new members, but I can’t get a hold of the organizer. If you are open to it, would you let me know of the date and time of the next meeting? Thanks so much for your help. Miriam
Hi Mariam, I responded to your request at your email address. If it doesn’t reach you please contact me again here. I look forward to meeting you!
What a rich and stimulating life! I can only begin to imagine the tales you have to tell–and I look forward to discovering them bit by bit.
Cheers to you, Jadi!
Thanks so much! This blog is my spot to tell the tales and I have had a ball discovering my voice doing so. It would appear as if I’ve got lots more tales to come…
Having your feet in two separate places definitely makes one flexible. We have that in common! Thanks for the follow. I look forward to reading more of your blog.
Welcome to my blog, and nice to have found a kindred spirit. I look forward to reading more of your blog as well!
Outstanding blog
Glad you think so!
Thanks for visiting my site and complementing the design. You are actually the only person who has done so, and I’m really proud of how it turned out! I like the idea of life being a story, and looks to me like you are taking that to the fullest.
No one else had commented on the design of your blog? Good grief, as a fellow writer I loved it immediately. And my next response was a wish that I’d thought of it first. It’s terrific.
Hi from Texas (actually I’m in Busan Korea right now but I live in Texas). I wish I could find a way to move out and live somewhere out of America too (but not especially interested in getting married). I do my best to travel as often as I can in the meantime.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m glad you liked it. 🙂
Ironically I never had any desire to move from the US… it was that love thang that drew me to Europe, and I’ll forever be grateful. Welcome to my blog. It’s always good to meet another traveler!
that’s sweet. 🙂
I agree, it’s always nice to meet people to travel, so many interesting stories and different viewpoints. 🙂
hello and thanks for following my blog recently! I haven’t poked around your site much yet, but I’m curious – where have you lived in Europe, and what language did you learn?
Hi Alina, I’m in southern Germany and speak German. I can still stumble around in Spanish and Italian if I work at it. Thanks for visiting!
I’ve given you a nomination for One Lovely Blog, Jadi 🙂
If you’d like to accept, the details are here:
i accept! Thank you, and what a great way to begin February!
Hi again! I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Check it out here.
Hi Juliana, I returned from vacation a few days ago and haven’t been able to respond until now. Thanks so much for the nomination – what a great way to start my New Year! I’m honored and delighted. Once I get caught up I’ll accept the award. Thanks again, and have a wonderful 2014.
I love your description of living between cultures. Growing up I always felt that way but didn’t have the words to describe it. I am more settled now, but when people hear my mixed accents I now have a phrase to explain my upbringing!
I’m curious as to what lead you to my post about fancy tiles for my laundry! Such a first world dilemma, and in the context of what you write about, it seems entirely supercilious! However, by coincidence, I’m also a world citizen, currently out of my comfort zone again, as I settle into living on my 5th different continent. Often I crave a simpler life, without the need for constant cultural readjustment (even though I know I could not stand that for long), which is why I write about frivolous things such as paint colours and fancy tiles. Best wishes.
Hi Johanne, it’s quite simple. Your tiles are gorgeous and your blog is intriguing. One of the best things about blogs is the chance to check out other lives. Your 5th (??!!) continent? My proverbial traveler and expat’s hat is doffed. Thanks for stoppng by and best of luck with the house plans!
I am hooked already! I look forward to reading more, fellow denizen of the in-between, aspiring citizen of the world. Thank you for visiting my not-very-informative “About”, which was written in haste before I had written a single story. Here’s to storytelling and to you!
Delighted to have a fellow story teller here. Welcome!
Thaks for stopping by.i went through your blogs.You are a very good writer.Keep in touch.. 🙂
Thanks so much! We’ll meet again in the blogospheres. 🙂
Looking forward to it
Thanks so much for visiting the Jenn stories! I hope you’ll be back, as I plan to be here.
I will be back for sure, Jenn!
Sounds so interesting…living between cultures.
Everything blends together in the space between!
Mary, what a lovely comment. I slowly learned to combine the US and European parts to my life and you’re right: they do overlap at times to create something unique. I really like the image of “everything blends together in the space between!” There are days when it only feels like a jumble…:-)
Thank you for visiting my blog! It encouraged me to find you … and this statement of yours, “The following are not contradictory statements: I am American to my bones. My sensibilities are European. My husband and I travel as much as we possibly can. I want to be a citizen of the world, which brings us back to my opening statement. I live in a place between cultures,” captures my emotions so completely! I look forward to reading more of your experiences.
Nice to meet you, Cindi. Please come back and comment on posts that strike a chord with you. It helps to know when I get it right!
Hi Jadi – thanks for visiting my Through a Jungian Lens blog site (the old one) and liking a number of the posts found there. I do have a new version at which includes all the older posts at the old site. I am fascinated with your site and have added it to my “follow” list. Looking forward to a new friendship. 🙂
Hi Robert, I am heading over to your new site right now. And, Welcome to my blog!
Hi Jadi,
Thanks for dropping by and following “Honey.” When this @#$$# internet gets better, I’ll be back to have a dig around your site.
Drop by any time, you’re the sort of company I like to receive!
Yes, the book is available online with Amazon, and I was interviewed by My writers’ group does public readings (we’re gearing up for one in November). Self-marketing is a long slow process…
Your work must be challenging and rewarding, I wish you much success with the research!
Hi Jadi,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. You have a very interesting one, and are a published author – congratulations.
Thanks! I’m hard at work on my next book and am glad I self-published. Now, if I could just figure out how to work the self-promotion angle… I really like your blog as well and look forward to reading more from you!
Could you sell it online? There are so many sites to sell things…
Right now I’m charged with developing a historical society and finding a way for it to become profitable (or, be a non-profit that pays people) and writing a grant – after doing the research – for an NGO in Ghana – for HIV/AIDS tx funding.
And I’m between jobs 🙂
Readings at coffee shops? Interviews and oh, dial in book clubs? (I often brainstorm by myself 😉 let me know how it works.
I try to read all the books the bloggers write – but will have research to keep me busy for a bit.
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog
Thanks to you for stopping as well! —Jadi
Bonjour! Hi-Guten morgen aus “Tulus”-Toulouse, France and danke-merci for dropping by the New Playground! 🙂 My very best, have a great day & c u soon, Miss Jadi! Cheers, Mélanie
Hello back, Madame Melanie! I enjoyed your comments and your site. I’ll return to it soon. —Jadi
thanks for visiting with me Jadi, I love traveling and your blog is just my type 🙂 I am off to read more lol…
Delighted to see you here. —Jadi
Thank you for visiting and following my blog.
I have a lot of fun discovering blogs I want to follow and am glad to have found yours! —Jadi
Congratulations! You’ve been nominated as a VERY INSPIRING BLOGGER by Jen at Random Acts of Writing [+art]. THANK YOU for sharing your thoughts and ideas with the blogosphere!
Hi Jadi
You have a very nice blog.
Thanks for the follow 🙂
Hi Silver Wolf, I wish you lots of success with your writing. I’ve discovered that a blog is a great form of writing exercise… and it’s fun. Cheers, —Jadi
Hi Jadi.
My name is Kevin Gillespie, I do, MUCH prefer to be called Kev however. :).
I live in Wales, & am now following your Blog. 🙂
Thank you for stopping by Literary Bits – and congratulations on your book!
Thanks, Julia. I’m busy getting the next one finished! —Jadi
Greetings from the Arizona wilderness Jadi. It’s a pleasure to meet you via my blog and now yours, that is indeed the beauty of blogging here at WordPress.
I agree! WordPress is a good way to discover interesting topics and people, and see new places. You live in a beautiful part of the world. (I rave about it in one of my posts, too: “Our Vacation of the Rocks”.) Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I am looking forward to more of your blog. —Jadi
Thanks for dropping by “Honey.” I’m on a weak, frustrating internet line. Will drop back later.
Drop by any time, Honey. —Jadi
Wonderful site and I love your tagline. I too was an English major (not literature, alas, but still) and all I want to do is live abroad! Funny. I like your blog!
HI Jess, The tagline was originally Greetings from Germany but the current one better reflects my philosophy and the blog content (and some of my friends were irritated by the photo runner at the top: “Hey! That’s not Germany!”) Glad to meet another English major here. Living abroad was not a plan of mine but travel sure was. And once I met Uwe, my fate was sealed. Stop back soon. —Jadi
I will! Thanks for your quick reply. 🙂
Love your stuff. I’ve just entered the world of blogging, and I was very inspired by the beauty and insight you’ve offered.
Looking forward to reading more! -Leanne
Hi Leanne, I’m delighted to have you follow my blog! Your kindness project is wonderful – and – small acts are cumulative. They can move mountains. Thank you for inspiring me today. —Jadi
Thank you for taking the time to drop in. Looking forward to reading more about your grand adventures!
If you’re interested in kindness projects, I recommend this blogger, you should check her out if you don’t know about her already:
By the way, you’re living the life I want to live. I want to go to Germany and live there and become fluent in German myself. I’ve never been to Germany. I’ve taught myself some basic German words and phrases by using Google translate and listening to a lot of German music on Youtube. I’m always so jealous and tinged with sadness when I come across somebody who is living the life I want to live. I hope you don’t mind me saying that, I mean it in the best way possible. I really just want to live in Europe like you are. 🙂
This is such a wonderful compliment. Thank you! I still shake my head in wonder at times that I am here. It was not something I had planned for my life. Leanne, if you are serious then I highly recommend immersion German classes, preferably here in Germany! I didn’t speak a word of the language when I first arrived and it took a good 2 years to feel comfortably fluent. (On the other hand Germans don’t expect non-native speakers to use flawless grammar, and thank goodness for that…) Thanks as well for the tip on your fellow blogger. I am checking her blog once I respond to you. All the best to you! —Jadi
Thanks so much for your kind reply, but my name is not Leanne. My nom de plume is Scriptor Obscura. I think you thought you were replying to someone else. I really appreciate your kind reply, thank you so much for your suggestions and advice. 🙂
Oh dear – sorry! I looked for a direct name rather than your nom de plume so that my response could be a more personal one. I have no idea where I got Leanne from. Let me take it from the top then: Thanks Scriptor Obscura. I appreciate your patience and most definitely your compliment. I do hope you achieve your dream of living in Germany. Cheers, Jadi
Thanks for your visit. I’ll have to browse more…
I too like how WordPress does some things very well.
Hi Jadi,
lovely blog, nice to meet you! Look forward to see and read more from you in the future; I’m your new follower. 🙂
Greetings from the Rhine Valley
Thanks Dina, and welcome! I look forward to reading and seeing more of your work too. —Jadi
Hi there! In order to share the joy of being nominated myself, I’m nominating you for the Liebster Award, which is intended to recognize up-and-coming blogs, particularly those with less than 200 followers. Visit my blog for all the details, and congratulations!
I’m surprised, pleased, tickled pink (it sounds right but what does that mean exactly?), thank you so much! —Jadi
Great post. l hope you will shed some light on so many questions you been asked. regards. jalal
Hi Jalal, I like the way wordpress lets me learn about other people out there. I am enjoying having people get to know me as well. Best regards, —Jadi
Dear Jadi,
you write “Greetings from Germany”. I am wondering are you German or based in Germany? Well, I am curious because I am a German expat.
Greetings from the North Norfolk coast
Ich bin Amerikanerin. I married a German and first learned German at the age of 35. I’ve been here 20 years now and am extremely grateful for the ways life in Europe (and someplace between cultures) has made me grow. It’s ironic because my degree is in English literature and I ended up living in a foreign language! How did you land in England? —Jadi
Dear Jadi,
sorry for not answering earlier but I have been that busy the last days …
How I ended up in Merry Ol` England? After my degrees I lived outside Europe for many, many years – mostly in Asia and the two Americas. But I got the feeling I am European, well, I need European culture. And as I was able to speak some English I looked around in England (in Sweden and Holland, too) and found that great spot here. And I love living in England – for more than 30 years now.
Greetings from the sea
Klausbernd 🙂
Klausbernd, Thank you for the short bio – You’re a citizen of the world. We need more of you. —Jadi
Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking a post!